Sunday, August 1, 2010

Gus Hansen's Never-Ending Nightmare

Gus Hansen Gus Hansen had a terrible year at Full Tilt's nosebleed tables in 2009. At the end of the year he had lost $5 million dollars and was far the biggest loser. It can be very hard to get back in business and believe in your own game after such a nightmare year, but somehow Gus managed to keep a cool head and started off 2010 in the best possible way by winning about $2 millions.

However, the winning streak didn't last for long and in the last couple of months he has lost most of what he won. Last weekend was especially tough on Gus Hansen as he ended up losing almost $400k within a timeframe of 24 hours. Since 2007 Gus Hansen has now lost about $7 million dollars.

The question now is how long he can afford to play high stakes and lose like this before his entire bankroll is gone. Personally I think Gus Hansen has to take very good look at his own game and play lower stakes until he finds the way back to his game again, but somehow I have the feeling that he has no plans whatsoever to do something like that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now he knows how I feel, but I am sure he will make a comeback soon