Monday, September 6, 2010

PokerStars Tournament #305344070

PokerStars Tournament #305344070, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.25 USD
2704 players
$100.00 USD added to the prize pool by PokerStars
Total Prize Pool: $776.00 USD
Tournament started 2010/09/05 21:00:00 CT [2010/09/05 22:00:00 ET]

Dear PokerDonkeys,

You finished the tournament in 174th place. A USD 0.93 award has been credited to your Real Money account.


Anonymous said...

Well a win is a win dude, what hand did you bust out on? Let me guess your AA got cracked by a 72 off?

Slade said...

No nothing that bad I pushed all in with a pocket 6s got called by a player pocket Queens...

Anonymous said...

well at least it was against a decent hand dude.